October 2023

The Scariest Time of the Year

If I were to ask almost anyone, “What is the scariest time of the year?” They would almost certainly say Halloween! In late September or early October television and the movie theaters begin advertising this season’s list of frightening new and rerun movies and television programs. Store fronts that have been closed for most of the year are open to sell scary Halloween costumes. People begin to ask each other, “What are you going to dress up to look like for trick or treat?” Good Christians and ardent church attenders tell each other that they do not believe in the scary side of Halloween, but they do like to take part in handing out candy to the neighborhood children. Let’s face it. With the work and sports schedules impacting many young families, we don’t see our neighbors very much until they escort their children from house to house for trick or treat.

Even though Christians do not fully buy in to the scary movies and costumes of the secular Halloween, it is still a very scary season for them. You see, this is the season when the Stewardship Committee is getting ready for the annual pledge drive so that a responsible church budget can be constructed for the following year. But perhaps even more scary than that, this is also the season when the church Nominating Committee begins preparations to seek out people who are willing to serve the church in a non-monetary way. Every year you hear the Stewardship Committee talk about being good stewards of time and talent along with treasure, but it seems the number one topic on the agenda is always treasure. The Nominating Committee is giving you a chance to offer your time and talent to the Lord as well as your treasure.

This year, the Nominating Committee has a larger than usual number of positions to fill. The reason is that when the people whose terms are expiring this year were elected, they were not split into classes of three-year terms. The classes of three-year terms ensure there are always experienced members of the board available to train and support the newly elected officers. This year we are not going to replicate that situation. The Nominating Committee will seek out people to fill available slots and in each of the three classes of officers. That means there are some openings that are for one year and two years as well as for the full three-years.

If the Nominating Committee calls upon you to ask if you are willing to serve, make sure you ask them what the expectations for each available position are and how much of your time would be required to be a faithful church officer. Know that you don’t need to answer the Nominating Committee immediately. Do take time to pray about their request before returning your answer. Whatever your decision, know that God is already at work in you to prepare you to accept the nomination. God will be with you and everyone who is serving during the length of their elected term. And finally, remember that God will be with you and those who are still serving even after your term of office is complete.

The message in Isaiah 43 was meant to comfort and give strength to Israel. May you find it comforting and strengthening as well, even in the face of an invitation to serve from the Nominating Committee! God told Israel and He is telling each of us, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”1

To God be the Glory!

Pastor Frank Hancock

Email: pastor@plumcreekpc.com

Office: (412) 793-4525

Cell Phone: (412) 860-3719 – Please feel free to leave a message.

Jelly, Spaghetti Sauce, Pasta Sides & Rice Sides, Pancake Mix, Pancake Syrup, Boxed Potatoes, Canned Fruit, Canned Meats (tuna, spam, chicken), Toothpaste, Small bottles of Dish Detergent Please no Expired Food. Other Non-Perishables always accepted.