August 2018


A Letter from Jane

Moving Forward in Faith

Dear Saints,

Since your last Caller publication I was invited by your session to serve as the Interim Minister.  In my almost three months with you I have seen the work of the Holy Spirit among you. I have seen the pain of loss and grief and I have seen you embrace love and the life of Jesus’ Church. As the newest participant of your church it seems odd to say, but I am very proud of you. It takes strength and roots to face loss and keep moving forward in the name of Jesus.

I have witnessed your response to the Godspeed prayer. It may be a hard prayer to pray but you have embraced it along with a growing understanding that Jesus is head of the Church, not us. Therefore we can pray: “Dear Lord, we ask your blessing upon our friends as they move to another fellowship. Bless their lives. Bless their new church. Bless their work and play. Through all the changes, surround them with your loving presence. We know that in you there is no east or west, no south or north. Thank you Lord Jesus for your Church. Amen.”

Please know your faith is in God's good hands; so let’s grow together. On this journey be assured: God is here. Rest assured: God will lead you to new ground. Share the assurance of God’s peace: for it is real and alive among you.

While you, as a church fellowship are over 200 years old it is a new day at Plum Creek. Please check out our NEW church website: This is a new address. Our previous church website was kindly hosted by a former member. We are so grateful for his service to the church. You will notice a lack of church pictures. We are rebuilding our stock of church event photos and once we have them they will be there for viewing. You are invited to check in on the church Facebook page: Plum Creek Presbyterian Church, there is a link on the website as well. The more use the website receives the faster it will gain influence and appear when someone is searching for churches in Plum Borough. Consider checking in with the website once or twice a day as a spiritual exercise this month!

Session is growing! On Sunday we ordained and installed 4 new elders to join session in discerning God’s will for this congregation. Welcome Laura Campbell, Clark Kemmerer, Dave Nesbit, and Sam Shaneyfelt!


Praising God and Loving our Neighbors

We are passionate about God’s passion for you! 



Upcoming Events

Get Involved

Mission Opportunity

Pivik Elementary is requesting volunteer helpers on September 28th who will work with Habitat for Humanity and KaBoom to build an inclusive Playground on their property. Your session has granted use of the church kitchen and parking lot for the day, as well as the hall in case of inclement weather. If you would like to support the project as a one day community service project please sign up on the volunteer registration page This link is specifically for the project at Pivik. Thank you!

College Students + Families

We want to keep in touch with our college students during the school year.  We need to get their accurate college address and email address.  Please call the church office (412-793-4525) with this information or email -  Thanks for your help.


Our Church Website is Live

While still under construction, the basics about session's vision for our church are up and running. Pictures will follow soon. The more often people open the web page the sooner it will become the first response for Presbyterian Church in Plum Borough. A church website allows people to see how the Spirit moves in a particular church. We are working hard to make that the case in our new website:

No Blood Drive This Year

We are not scheduling a blood drive this fall.  If you do donate blood, please consider listing Plum Creek Church as the recipient of the credit for donating.

New Member Inquiry

Participating in the life of our church is a blessing for everyone. Those interested in inquiring into the history of being Presbyterian and membership are invited to join an informal discussion scheduled for mid October. Details to follow. Please let pastor Jane know if you are interested in attending.

October Fest

Celebrating the joy of the new season, beginnings and endings, with games, corn roast and a corn maze at the Mallisee farm - October 20th. Details to follow.

Trunk or Treat

Held in your church parking lot, October 27th. Details to follow.

Gingerbread House Building Party, December 1, details to follow.


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